Leadership Velocity Blog
How are you as a leader? Find out now.
Being an effective leader hinges on your ability to be self-aware. Self-awareness is foundational in developing your emotional intelligence. We’ve created a brief individual leadership assessment to provide you with an opportunity to reflect on [...]
Appreciation is the secret sauce – now even more.
Several months ago when we were preparing to write this blog on appreciation, we went on Twitter and entered #AppreciationPolitics, thinking it would be wonderful to find an uplifting story from the political area that [...]
Back Pocket Coach Strategy #7: May I give you some feedback?
Delivering feedback is not an easy process, and it is even more challenging when the message is potentially negative. Just the thought of this type of conversation commonly evokes emotional turmoil for both the giver [...]
Potent strategies for turning conflict aversion into effective conversations
What is conflict aversion? Broadly stated, conflict aversion is an indirect way of dealing with an issue or a person to avoid confrontation. Conflict averse people tend to avoid conflict at all costs and have [...]
Got a bully boss? 3 tips to help you.
What is a bully boss? Bully bosses are people who are very goal-oriented, get the job done, but leave a lot of human wreckage in their wake. We’ve all worked for them at one time [...]